What's that? Nice of Lacie? NO. IT'S. NOT. Lacie and Miss Enid have already been advising Eat A Cat matters on Lacie's blog. Silly Miss Enid's got's it into her sawdust to teach me how to mind my Pees. And Queues. Me? Need teaching? As if. Course I sneaked a peek at her book. When she wasn't wheeling round on her wonkies.
Yep. As I thought. I know it all. Pretty boooooring stuffies. Written in olde fashionede English.
OOhhh. There's a chapter on Eat A Cat Behaviour with Wheelies. Haaaaaa!!! Made me do a proper Lacie smirk.(Said Eric..... tilting his head to one side. ......placing his paw in front of his mouth to stop his giggles escaping. EEK!!!!!!. I'm even WRITING like Lacie now!!!!. And noooo!!!.....writing in purple toooooo.) Miss Enid wants to publish a monthly column with her advice on Eat A Cat stuffie. Where? Can you blogging believe it? Only on my bloggie!!! NEVER!!! So. Who better to teach. You? Than Me? With photo examples for ease of learning. Thoughtful eh? OkeyDokey. Let's get on with it. Lesson One. Eat A Cat Behaviour with Wheelies.
One needs to greet every Wheelie in a companionable manner each morning.

Like so. Light up your face with a wide welcoming toothy grin. Repeat this smile until your jaws are snappin' smiley style. Like Mr.Crocodile. (Pardon me. Let me introduce. Sweet Pea. Travelled all the way from A Merry Car. Via Mom's wheelie exchange programme with Jake and Fergie's Moma. More on that another time)
In polite circles one would follow up with the normal dog to dog greeting.
But. Do be considerate everybloggie.
Make them feel comfortable about it. Next. As new Wheelies arrive. Show enthusiasm.
Look lively! That's the spirit! Jump for joy. Introduce yourself. For example."Good day Wheelie. I'm Eric. Wagging to eat err.. meet you". Here I'm greeting Albert from Germany. He's a Prince among Wheelies. Gave him a Right Royal going over.
Take a keen interest in Wheelies wheel abouts.
Trust me. They will be overjoyed by your surprise visit. As this demonstration of my solicitous approach to Miss Enid whilst studying in the library. Of course. All work and no play makes for a dull wheelie indeed. Give them a play bow.
Enables parts to be exercised that a wheelies oil can can't reach. Sets their wheels in motion tickety boo. Remember. It's good manners to reciprocate by giving chase. Immediately. Don't you just love their exuberance for all games?
Compliment one's Wheelie.
I often whisper sweet little nothings into Miss Enid's ear 'oles. Common Courtesies. Like. "How tasty you look today dear Miss Enid" Miss Enid cried when I told her that. Totally proved my point. They truly do appreciate how you go out of your way to make them feel wanted and adored.
Try one's best to be affectionate. Kissing Wheelie often.
Nose bump to teeth is the usual way. You'll hear them squeeeeel with pleasure. Most rewarding. Show affection in word and deed.
The gentle laying of one's paw (to calm a fierce ferocious wheelie who's been shut in a crate for safety) will be much appreciated.
Wheelies are, by nature, sociable. Take them out for regular wheel abouts.

As demonstrated by my goodly self. Here. At Hampton Court Palace with Miss E and Foster Boy Winston. I'm busy leading them up the Garden Path.

and here, taking Foster Winston out in the zoomer for a spin...

Lucky Wheelies. I even treated them to a museum trip. Nothing they like better than a bit of Wheelie Heritage.
At the end of a long exciting day. Most important. Escort them to bed to watch over them.You never know what they get up to.
Though it's permissable to send a trusted envoy instead.
HAAAA HAAAAAAA!!! Looksee. As if I would EVER do that Eat A Cat thingie. But. Hmmm. Perhaps Miss Enid and myself might be paw sueded. To give you Proper. Pucker. Ette Kett lessons from her old books. Sometime. What say you everybloggie? Now Ette Kett dictates I need to apologise. Sorry. I'm not able to visit your fabulous selves next week. Sniff. Square Mom mentioned something about my flat self. Feasting on a Big Apple. Tootle Pip.
You made Miss Enid cry??? SHAME ON YOU!!! You had her whole head in your mouth...she must have been terrierfied!
And you took them to visit the Queen and didn't have them properly secured in safety harnesses? And threatened to DONATE them to an old moldy TOY MUSEUM???
Proper manners insist on being very respectful to one's elders...
Ya blew that one, Eric...
It does seem like more and more wheelies are arriving daily at your housie...perhaps it's an international gathering before the TAKEOVER?
I'm pretty sure when the Wheelies begin to rule, they will have a list deliniating exacting who has tried to CONSUME them...they shall be jailed first...
As for that Lacie smirk and typing in purple (Lacie bites her lip to keep from giggling hysterically....)I hafta admit I was properly impressed...yep...it was a bootiful SMIRK.
As for your flat self and the apple...um...I'm hoping the apple has been sprayed prior to your visit with um pesticides...never know what's crawling around on those apples...
Kisses, Eric...
My dear Miss Enid,
I would be most grateful if you would indeed do a monthly advice column on Eat A Cat. Society needs your gentle guiding influence to restore some sense of dignity. Why the other day alone, I was walking in town and neither Scruffy nor Stanley knew a lady never walks on the outside of the sidewalk in proximity of the traffic. Of course, a large bus flew by, splashing me horribly when it could have splashed Stan or Scruffy.
To make matters worse we went into a revolving door...the ONLY appropriate time that a gentleman (I use that term sooo loosely here) may precede a lady. Of course, they didn't...not only did I have to push the door very hard to get it to turn, they pulled back on it behind me so it wouldn't!
I am most looking forward to your column.
Miss Lacie
Eric Square:
We haven't any wheelies here, nor cats you see, so we don't care
About the Etti Cat routine, except for visits to the queen.
We'd love to hear Miss Enid's take
We're sure she'll find you've made mistakes
And purple prose, oh my oh me
Pink is better, just ask me
Teka Toy
I so appweciated all youw sage advice on how to gweet Wheelies, but, awe you suwe they appweciate being tossed awound on the hood of youw caw??
Something sounds off about that..I do think Miss enid , wif all hew expawience would be pawfect fow giving all of us soe etti kat advice..(dog knows , thewe is a lot to be leawned fow some of ouw mowe woudy boys) Pawsonally, I'm happy that Winston is safely on the othew side of the pond, hehehe please tell Sweet Pea, and pwince Albewt that Mywna and womy send theiw welcoming love.
I can't wait to see youw flat self..I'm polishing the apple as I wite
smoochie kisses
I adowe that pictoowe of the two sleeping cuties.
Dearest Erikh!
Please keep in mind I live in the same state as The Beast -
Therefore, when she shrieks, I GET TO HEAR IT -
The skhreams are ekhhoing in my soft furry ears!
PeeEssWoo: Yum, khats!
Hi Eric
Well all this Eat a Cat is well and good, but just between you and me, we know really that Drink a Wee Dram is what it's really all about - everything else follows...
Don't you agree?
Cheers! H.
Those are a lot of rules. I am not sure I can do the enthusiastic greeting part. Might have to leave that to PeeWee.
Is it OK to take wheelies for walkies on Boss Town or do I have to go across the big pee? That is going to cut into my nap time.
I was scared when Lacie started channelling thoughts in purple. Watch out for that stuff.
A most instructive bloggy.
I still can't get passed the words "EAT A CAT"! And you don't even want to know what came up when I googled "EAT A CAT"! I'm going into hiding!
your pal,
E- you got some serious hops! this whole wheelie thing is intriguing..may help my training with all the nibbling, teethy stuff, and wheeling around. i can tell it definitely helps you- purrfect manners.
sign me up for a fostah plz.
toodles, have flat funballs in the big apple:)
Eric, we were a little worried by your post.
We know you mean well in your guide on Eat a Cat - the how to behave with a wheelie.
We feel that you failed to take account of the fact that these wheelies are rather old.
Your youthful exuberance could be alarmist.
Now we understand that is not your intention - well we like to think that it was not your intention!
We feel some of the pic could be construed....as well......threatening!
Whispering sweet nothing had a look of you were going to bite Miss Enid's ear off.
Enthusiastic smiling greeting did appear to us that you wanted to eat the poor wheelies.
Your play looked like you wanted to treat them like stuffies and rip them apart.
Now of course we know we are probably very wrong but we just wanted to point this out to you.
We know you have your heart in the right place - actually Eric have you any idea where your heart is?
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
PS A winter drive in the zoomer would be most acceptable Eric if you are thinking of coming to Scotland.
Somewhere there is a speed limit we think!
Miss Enid.
I admire your intents, despite the interference you are clearly faced with. (Just how many pages of your books were damaged by the jaws of your wired one? And were they water logged from drool? I am impressed by Eric's seemingly focused posture while reading, but I've heard of the damage done as the books crossed the pee. I am not fooled.)
I am, however, pleased that you are choosing to publish this respectful column. It is very much needed. It is a shame how the youngsters these days have lost all sense of proper behavior.
May I suggest, at some point that you give some pointers regarding a proper High Tea. These foreigners don't seem to truly "get it."
Missing you. With love
Foster Boy now Winston
Postscript: Edwina sends her love to Sweet Pea, as does Diana. And Miss Erin is anxious to determine her relationship to you. Now that she has freshened up, there is a striking resemblance.)
Master Eric.
How very improper and insensitive for you to refer to Miss Enid as Ancient. And boring. What does that make me? (Don't answer that.) And how deceitful to describe photographs with captions that are so contradictory to explanations that I know to be more true. (I believe Martha and Bailey's interpretations to be very accurate, in many cases. Very astute girls these two are.) For instance. That welcoming toothy grin for Sweet Pea? (At least you did admit the snapping jaws) The picture we remember seeing was a blur. A total blur. With you in frantic vertical motion - beyond what I would consider a proper greeting for such a sweet, weary traveler. (Thank goodness she has the comfort of your Otis to calm her.)
And the dog to dog greeting? (Have I advanced - in your opinion - from wheeless wheelie to dog? You never told me that when I was there.) Wouldn't you agree that the relationship looks just a bit one-sided. Please DO try to present both sides of the picture. (I was FAR from comfortable. I look rather stiff. Don't you think?)
But I will admit to a few chuckles as I recalled our time together. From the gardens and streets of London to the airborne spin in the zoomer. It had been years since I'd had that kind of fun. And, yes, it was fun. Even Ancient Boring sorts like to kick up their heels every once in a while. I am no exception.
So, I give you my permission. And encouragement. (As if you likely cared.) To contribute to the etiquette "thingee" as you speak. I"d rather enjoy it. Actually. Because I know, at heart you are a very different sort than you sometimes like to portray yourself. But I'll keep that a secret. And I'll chuckle at your interpretations and editorial comments. With (mostly) delight.
Fondly yours, always part of your family
Hi, Eric!
I was about to make my comment when I saw that "comment" before mine and... and I forgot what I was going to tell you!
Kisses and hugs
Good evening eric
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from loved ume tyan
You do have that eat-a-cat down to a "T", Eric! I'm sure Miss Enid appreciates it!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
You're such a mannerly chap, Eric! We're sure Miss Enid truly appreciates you!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I have never really seen a wheely look frightened, but I think you pulled it off with this lesson. But I did learn a lot, but thankfully, no wheelies about in my house.
Good day !.
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Oh Eric (swoon) - I think that you have the most gentlemanly eti-kat there is! Dare I say that thinking of you giving nose bumps made me blush...tee hee.
My Family has several barn cats that could use some Eat A Cat lessons. I did try to educate them once, but apparently some cats are Neanderthals when it comes to Eat A Cat. Rum Tum still hisses when he sees me.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Aaaaaa Eric...Eat a Cat does not mean ta bed down with a cat....that's downright disguistin' man.....yer a wire fox terrier.....look in the mirror....'n repeat it 12 times....."I am a Wire Fox Terrier and I hate cats !!!!!!" Sheesh,'n ya look lke ya were gonna take the wheelie's ear right off at the joint...now take that stance with Odie......open mouth.... extract teeth....snarl......spit.....bite....chew.....repeat....
Do ya think ya have it now?
Are ya goin' back ta the ig Apple again???? Ya are so lucky....fer sure....
Dewey Dewster here.....
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Guide: How to change WAV file to MP3 with the MP3 to WAV editor
How to change WAV file to MP3 ? How to convert from WAV to MP3 ? Imtoo WAV file to MP3 converter can do this. The MP3 WAV Converter(, ) is a MP3 WAV conversion utility which can convert MP3 to WAV, convert WAV to MP3 and convert OGG to MP3 file. It's not only a MP3 WAV converter but supports converting video or audio file format, such as convert WAV to MP3, convert MP3 to WAV and convert WMV, AVI, MPEG, ASF, WMA, AAC, M4A, MP4, OGG to MP3 or WAV file. ImTOO MP3 WAV Converter(, ) provides users an easy way to convert audio files within a few clicks. Please f ree download and follow me step by step:
I. Introduction of this MP3 to WAV file converter:
A MP3 to WMV file converter, MP3 to WAV decoder and MP3 to WMV editor which can change MP3 to WAV and convert from WAV to MP3. How to change WAV file to MP3 will be so easy. With this MP3 to WMV file converter and MP3 to WAV decoder, you will know how to change MP3 to WAV, convert from WAV to MP3 and convert WMA into MP3. It's an easy and completed way to convert all popular audio file formats to MP3 or WAVE. Besides MP3 and WAVE, ImTOO MP3 WAV Converter(, ) also supports decoding WMA, MP4, M4A, MP2, OGG, APE, AAC, VQF etc. ImTOO MP3 WAV Converter(, ) can also extract audio from video file format, such as AVI, MPG, WMV, ASF. All conversion processes are very easy to handle and fast. ImTOO MP3 WAV Converter(, ) provides you the optimized default settings. You just need to click a few buttons to start conversion. In spite of this, there are still a lot of settings can be tweaked to fit your special need. It supports ID3 tag and batch conversion. Users don't have to think so much, just need a click!
More features Easier to use and faster than ever With the concise interface and design, users can easily handle the software without any help. The converting speed is improved in ImTOO MP3 WAV Converter(, ) - users don't have to wait so long. A file is converted within a few seconds. Supports ID3 tag
All ID3 tags in the original files will be reserved after the conversion. Codecs are built-in
The software integrates with all audio encoders and decoders - users can convert all supported audio formats once download the program. Supports batch conversion
Select all files you want to convert and ImTOO MP3 WAV Converter(, ) will automatically encode them one by one. Choose output path
Users are able to edit the output path or use the same one as the input path. Excellent output quality
Using ImTOO MP3 WAV Converter(, ), you will get any output formats you want with excellent quality.
More settings Select sound mode like Stereo, Join Stereo, Forced Stereo, Mono etc. Select encoding with VBR or CBR. Bitrate is selectable.
II. How to change WAV file to MP3:
Step 1: Open the WAV file:
Step 2: Settings:
Set the encoder, the version mode, quality, VBR method and VBR quality
Step 3: Set the output folder:
Final Step: Encoding......
What an excellent MP3 to WAV file converter and MP3 to WAV decoder. If you still don't know how to change WAV file to MP3 and convert from WAV to MP3 , you should try this MP3 to WAV decoder.
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Ideas on How to satisfy Girls in the Mall
If you may be a single guy and aren't the most helpful at discovering quite a bit much less meeting girls and are wondering exactly where you could visit unearth and come in contact with a chick, then these ten sensible ideas on how to meet a young lady along at the shopping mall, ought to arrive in mighty handy.
1 - Go towards meals court. Think it or not, the foods court may be the absolute right spot from the local mall to fulfill a girlfriend. Here's what you do. Pick a foods site and get in line for the meal. Even when you , yourself are in line, seem to be all around the area where by anyone is seated and eating. Look for a young girl sitting alone, as well as two ladies seated together. When you might have your meal in hand, walk around to the place she or they are sitting and question if you're able to join them. If you are sincere and straightforward with them, your odds are fairly great.
2- Do some pondering. Earlier than you even consider planning towards mall to meet a girl, sit yourself down and do some severe considering. Want to consider how you might come in contact with a young girl and what you would possibly say to her if you happen to be productive. Give thought to which parts within the local mall you'd stop by. Also, you are planning to have to invest in some thing when there, what do you'll need? Finally, think of what meeting a young girl in a public place entails. Surely you are likely to would need to check for a wedding ring ahead of speaking to a girl, and you are likely to have a need to keep in mind if it's wiser to speak with a young girl alone or a single who's with other people. At long last, you will have to be practical about your own age along with the ages for this female you desire to fulfill. As in, you may must inform by yourself to get reasonable and do not have a go with to satisfy girls which are a whole lot younger or older than one is, or that start looking out of your league.
3 - Ask for guidance. As soon as you can be eventually with the local mall, one particular for the procedures to meet women is by asking them for be of assistance. Females know that guys have no suggestion what these are performing when they are purchasing, so asking for aid will not appear this kind of a ridiculous concept. Ask for assist in picking out a jacket for on your own for example. Performing so let's the woman know that you just are single. If she agrees to aid you, request her other queries as you grab totally different jackets to test on.
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The relative complexities of women's and men's fashion
Both women and men could have the pressures of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in time, yet men's fashion usually feels a lot less complicated. Of course, for both genders, outfits and fashion choices could be just as complicated, and there are many'modern'items which could quickly become fashion faux pas - who are able to say they often see people running around in 70s flames? On the other side, men's style has a few choice things that will exist forever - which man is likely to look out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Select traditional cuts, colors and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.
Why common men's style is timeless
The basic man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are several versions for various functions, nevertheless they are all popular in their quest for a clever, sharp look for the individual. The great thing about traditional style for men is that it's effectively elegant effortlessly neat. A well-groomed man can almost always appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this can be a testament to the design of such clothing. A suit will be used to work in many jobs due to the professional look it offers to the individual, instilling a sense of respect and trust. Similarly a suit will undoubtedly be utilized to many social events, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This incredible versatility which allows suits to be utilized in virtually all occasions is what gives it its amazing side and a lasting place in men's fashion.
Modern movements in traditional men's fashion
Whilst basic men's styles will never be replaced, it is interesting to observe that changes in men's fashion trends have brought particular common garments back to fashion. The popularity of vintage clothing, specially, has taken back a wide-variety of classic styles into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy man. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who clothe themselves in a classic yet expensive way, placing value on appearance and operating in a refined manner. This development for nearly'over-the-top'traditional fashion for men is apparent from events such as the'Tweed Run', where men and women of all ages dress yourself in especially Victorian-style clothing and decide to try the streets on vintage cycles - with most of the men sporting impressive mustaches! This really is just one single of many examples of evidence exhibiting the revival of such variations. Additionally, there are numerous blogs on the web which focus on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as complete web sites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in giving articles on basic men's fashion and grooming.
In conclusion, though certain areas of basic men's style could be brought back as new developments, the fundamental garments which they derive from will never slip out of fashion.
"All it requires really are a few basic outfits. And there is one secret - the simpler the better." - Cary Grant
StyleGun is an online men's fashion store with a technical twist.
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