Aaaww. Adorable. A snuggle love bug. Pretty Please. Send her truckloads of get well zen and put your paws together for her while she's waiting for results? Course I ran right over which took some time. On reflection. Might've been quicker to go on my wheels. As it's Wheelie Wednesday.

Anyways. Took my sweetie buckets of her favourite ice cream to get her wig-a-wagging. Specially made for her by Ben and Jerry. Toffeelicious. Yum! Delicious. And arranged for Nurse Lacie to visit with her blender. Make her some sooooooothing ice cream smoothies.

Hmmm. You don't think Lacie might Lacie that ice cream with some Con Coction. Or other. Do you ??? Na. As if. But just in case. I'll wheel on over.

Lickety Spit. Collect Nursies Agatha and Asta too. Don't forget to send Toffee get well wishes everybloggie.
Good evening eric
From the police to neck height in dancer triumphant return by convertible
Of course, it is captivation of the evil passion.
The large crowd of the ice cream is glad at the heated term. :D
from loved ume tyan
You're a good friend Eric...I'll send some of my good cat love her way!
your pal,
I'm thewe and keeping an eagle eye on Lacie. Making suwe she makes the best westowative smoofies possible. Toffee is coming out of the Annie Stetik and is not in any pain..youw sweet giwl will be fine
smoochie kisses
We will go send our get well wishes right after our mum recovers from a bout of sea sickness brought on by that moving wheelie!
You are just the best boyfriend Eric - ice cream is always the perfect present.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Oh Eric...I can so TOTALLY VERIFIY that Toffee is NOT in any pain...(Lacie giggles so hard she sits down hard on her gigantically padded derriere....) OOPSIE...I sent Aggie and Asta out for some medical supplies...have no idea what's takin' them so long...
I mean eye of newt and toe of frog can't be all that hard to find????
The scariest thing on your post is you look JUST LIKE our new wheelie that Mumsie bought and Dr. Snitchybug fixed up....frightening...
Ahh...Mumsie is in Charlotte poised to take big hooman sissy for her first dress fitting...I had to ship 17 full blenders down to her to relive the stress of the Mother/Daughter/bonding wedding experience...I'll let ya know if she lives through it....
Barkies...hic up!
I do look attractive in my scrubs don't I??????
Zen and stuff being sent!
But really, is Lacie what poor Toffee needs?
I mean, I khan hear the shriekin' and skhreamin' from HERE!
With the attendants that Toffee has, you KNOW she is in good hands and is going to be just fine. Not only will they relieve the pain and soothe the tummy with ice cream, they'll certainly provide some good girl-bonding humor.
Once we recover from the crossed eyes watching you wheel along, we're headed to the store to look for Toffeelicious ice cream. Yummmm.
Miss Fergi and Jake
Oh my. We love the wheelie, but it does kind of make muzzer go all amblyopic again.
hope Toffee feels better soon.
You want Toffee to rest and relax and recuperate so you've called in LACIE?!? Do you not remember a thing about our trip to Paris with her???
Eric, I'm afraid you deserve every bikini wax you know she's going to try to administer for "medicinal purposes."
Your pal,
We will say a prayer and think only good thoughts for Toffee.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Wow! You are really giving those wheels a work-out, Eric! We're off to visit Toffee!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Poor Toffee, she does look rather sickly coming off of the drugs. I am sure you will take good care of her, but keep both eyes on that Lacie girl.
I hope Toffee is doing well!
with Lacie's visit she will be like new in no time!
Kisses and hugs
Hello there Eric!
What a caring little pup u are! We be sending our zen get well wishes and hopes Toffee recovers quicksly!
Licks and wags
Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack
Bad boy turned sweetie pie again. Great idea checking on the ice cream but it looks like you were laced with a concoction with your wheelie body bending and spinning like that. It's hypnotic. I may watch all day!
I went to hug and kiss your dream girl and wish her a speedy wheely recovery!
Oh, Eric on wheel got me dizzy!
Holy doodles Eric! That last pic made me ask my mom what she put in my kibbles this morning.
Did I drink too much last night,we are sending zen.
WHew just able to get away for a moment and come write...Really being a head nurse and watching over Lacie is a full time job never mind caring for Toffee..SHe is doing well and if you must know while she was waking up she kept saying your name.....we think..it was a little jumbled...Maybe because we had been ahh checking out a new blender recipe......Love and kisses A+A(I can not get Archie away from the Food Cnannel on TV THis is his new thing..he wants to be a chef( I think he just wants the hat)
Think I'm getting a bit dizzy looking at those wheels. Off to visit Toffee now.
Those wheels sure do move! Mummy says she doesn't feel well and can you bring her all the yummy things? Don't fallfor it!
Have a great weekend.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Sending lots of airezen for Toffee.
That wheelie thingy has our Mom totally dizzy. How in the name of square terriers did you do that?
Hope Toffee is better -- we're not persuaded the eye of newt is the best thing for her post aunty setik -- so keep your minced pies open.
Jake and Just Harry
Wow Eric! I like your wheels! So nice of you to worry about Toffee!
Toffee lives close to me and I think my powerful vibes are getting through to her extra strong.
Ciao Eric!
WhoAoooaOOOOaaaahhhhhhh ....!! Santa vacca, il mio amico, I think I, Lucia, am now more woozy after watching your wiggly picture than sweet Toffee is after the Auntie Setik! (How did you do that!?!? Inquiring 'dales want to know....!)
I hope she is feeling fit as a fiddle PDQ. (I'm sure the ice cream and the smoothies are the pawfect tonics -- plus, she's in good paws with the girls!)
Tanti baci!
Hello Eric! Our paws are crossed for sweet Toffee!!
Momo & Pinot
Aww, your poor Toffee pupcake, we hope she's well in time for the wedding.....bound to be a quick recovery what with you and all the nursies looking after her.
We'll stop by when we get a chance.....in the meantime, have a great weekend Eric....hope you're not one of them "Sunday drivers" wot gives everyone roadrage!
Slobbers xx
Gosh Eric, when we saw the last picture on this post we had to go and check our water hadn't been spiked! :-)
Lots of zen on its way to Toffee.
Molly and Taffy
Eric- you look like you're spinning your wheelies.. need a push?! aww poor sweet toffee girl. my big toe toes are crossed that everything turns out ok. but if she's not up to eating her B & J, can ya send it ovah herah? :)
big kiss kisses to ya & toffee,
hey Eric! that photo of you on your wheels is making us get dizzy! hee hee! we are crossing all of our 16 paws for little Toffee girl.
Hi, Eric...
I hope Toffee feels better soon...
I'm glad you are going over to monitor the Lacie Smoothies...You never know with that girlie...
Thanks for stopping by...
Abby xxxooo
geez, Eric - slow down. we are heading right over to Toffee's place.
Hey Eric
It's a good thing your not outside spinning like that... I'd hate to see the shadow. YOu may actually send the earth off it's orbit.
Thank you very much for the yummy "Toffeelicious" ice cream! As my mom says "ice cream is the best medicine" ...but I think that square dog snogs are the best medicine!
Thank you too for sending so many pawsitive vibes and friends my way and for sending the pawsome nurse team of Asta, Agatha and Lacie! Love those smoothies! *urp*
Your ice cream had me doubled over. Brilliant!
Oh poor Toffee. I'm going over to her blog right away and see how she's doing. But I'm sure the ice cream worked its magic for her. Looks like you could use a little traction there on your wheels, Eric. Did you actually ever get there?
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