Haaa!!! Look at me everybloggie. On a perfect S-I-T. At the same time as A don't-you-dare-move-a-muscle-stay-right-where-you-are-do-you hear-me S-T-A-Y.

Can't think why. Been busy busy chop chop. Went out and about earlier this week. Took my wig on a wagger to the local flea pit. Which was showing this latest release.
Haaa!!! Look at me everybloggie. On a perfect S-I-T. At the same time as A don't-you-dare-move-a-muscle-stay-right-where-you-are-do-you hear-me S-T-A-Y.
Can't think why. Been busy busy chop chop. Went out and about earlier this week. Took my wig on a wagger to the local flea pit. Which was showing this latest release.
Yawn. Some sort of chickflick. Hmmm. Aren't those chicks in the flick sort of familiar? That Lacie looking flaming gorgeous with red furs? Diva Sophie all sultry? And Asta? Adorable! Khyra? Khool for skhool. Nah. Can't be. Paws aren't made for walking in Man O Lo's. Know what though? The cheeky girlies stole my title for their movie. Everybloggie knows Pets in the City is my title when I blog about me and Otis. Would you believe it. Right on cue. He's rocked up.
"Holy Mackerel!! Errrric. Wherrrre you beenski?" That's how he mews. In Cossakski. Silly Blue kittie. From Rrrrrrussia With Not Much Love.
"Holy Mackerel!! Errrric. Wherrrre you beenski?" That's how he mews. In Cossakski. Silly Blue kittie. From Rrrrrrussia With Not Much Love.
"Verrrry interesting Errrric. Walked in the woods? The parrrrk? Gone to the dogs? Teehee! Oye. I give upski. I cannot tellski. You know I see only the future. Never the past"

Wowsers! That tub water looks a little, er, brown!
I cannot get over how cute you look all wet down from the you need someone to scrub your back?? sponge bath?
Oh what a dastardly trick by that cat! One thing I know, blues are sneaky, whether they're cats or greyhounds. Blueberry has it down to an art and I admire the heck out of her for it! I am very sorry about the bath, though. It washes off a perfectly good stink!
Uncle Eric, I am SO impressed. Now you didn't go and sneak up to Scotland and roll in a bog without calling to ask me to join in did you? Well it is true that I have never yet managed to get myself quite so filthy.
Oh Uncle Eric, I am not worthy....
Toodle pip!
PS Do tell me honestly, man to man, what did you REALLY think of the 'chick flick' Uncle E? Should I get Gail to take me when it arrives in Aberdeen sometime in 2011?
And were there any fleas in the flea pit?
Our Mom has a wicked laugh!! And we are hiding!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Sure hope it was worth it. Mom likes that Pushkin guy and thinks he writes some lovely poems.
Well done Eric, we adore that dirty dog look.
We thought you were looking incredibly handsome.
What a pity you ended up in the bath - what is wrong with your humans?
That pesky cat seeing your future well you tell him we can see his!
Dreadful that you should have to put with a smug cat on top of the indignity of a bath.
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx
Mom has some of that Rrrrussshing soul since all her grandpawrents were from there, so as soon as she saw one very dirty square dawg in an involuntary sit-stay position, she kind of intuited how this pup-tale was going to end.
But how in blazes did you get so feeeelthy???
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
There you go again Eric...setting standards for us to aspire to. (To which we may aspire) Anyway, it is gonna take a lot of work to get a whole tubbie of water that brown. I will start immediately.
Darn cat!
Oh the dirt I khould kikhk about a certain khast member on the left but(t) I shan't...
Great sit and post pal!
PeeEssWoo: Sorry 'bout the bath - I've still managed to eskhape one of my own!
Hi, Eric!
Haaaaaa! I loved your post! and my mom too!
She says... thanks for the good laugh!
Sorry you were not very happy with the bath!
Kisses and hugs
Oh no - the dreaded bath! Why do the humans have to go ruin a perfect smell? Love the colour of that bath water - I bet you left a big ring round the tub afterwards!
Lots of licks
Sally and paddy
PS Wanted to thank you again for all the good vibes and positive paw power - Paddy is doing well and is almost back to his old self!
You let the KAT give you a bath now??? Gee, you have GONE to the dogs. Bah, Eric, bah! We would square that KAT off if you ask us. Mind you, Molly has developed a bit of a soft spot for felines so I am hoping it's not some kind of disease that'll spread onto me. I'm off to chase, the lights that way...
Your three-legged Inks
Nice sit with stays there wiry friend. Appears the mud bath was the envy of that kitteh.
You sure are cool with that cat, I don't do cats me self, now I'm black and tan maybe you could add some hair die to the water next time, depending on the colour it might not show up the dirt so much.
See Yea George xxx
You been cleaning chimneys? Chasing foxes down smokestacks? Wow. We're impressed by your Russian Grey furs. Dingy. Like a dirty ashtray. We didn't even know wirey squares came in that variety. No wonder you found yourself in the position you did. Wet. And musty.
So. Truth be told. We started this comment 24 hours ago. Fell asleep we did. Head right now on the keyboard. Lots of repeating sfjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjffffffffffjjj
from the heavy paws. We don't truly even remember what we intended to paw out. But most important we wanted you to know we're safely in Florida (been to the beach two times already) and the wheeled and wheeless ones are guarding the house back home. We're quite sure they'd enjoy a party ... just don't tell Miss Enid the address.
We'd better send this on its way before we fall asleep again. We're starting to feel heavy heads and bungling paws. That's what a vacation'll do to a wire. Or two.
Sent with wirey love. Lots of it.
Jake and Fergs and Family (we've got to admit ... we're missing the motley crew)
Oh Eric, you sure don't look too happy the tub! Have you been wrestling in the mud?
Have a great weekend now!
Oh that Gussie..fixin' that danglin' preposition...I get so nervous when they dangle, just waitin' for them to fall off the sentence..Miss Enid taught us about that in our diction class.
I dunno why she kept makin' me repeat somethin' bout the rain in Spain and some stoopid plain...plane? Sheesch. were filthy. Those paws...have you been having all that rain...on the plain??? (Lacie starts singing...and not on key.)
Asta, Khyra, Sophie and I do look marvie-lous in that chickie furs look's so difficult to not fade as a red head...
Kisses and giggling...
That Otis is a tricky one!!!
Bet your Mum told him to distract you until she had that bath water just right.....
Enjoy your bath - but plan you next get dirty adventure......
You had the guilty look painted on your face. You were placed in a corner, what have you done man.
Then you turned clear water into brownie, you spelled trouble, Eric.
Eeeewwww I knew when I saw ya sittin' there lookin' like a mud puddle posin' as a dog that there was gonna be a bath in the picture......yep, I was Otis got a nose full sniffin' ya when ya were so dirty....
PS. How did ya sit so still fer so long?
Dewey Dewster here....
Are you test-marketing new products again??? Did you get any "After" shots showing your glossy, silky furs? Or are we marketing this latest line to the felines? Meow Mud? Feline Facials?
I've found some presents for you but Mom's been too busy with a bunch of HORSES to get to the Post Office. She's got a week off starting Monday, so I'll nip at her heels!
Your pal,
We love your cat, so wise, even we could see where you would be going.
I must admit you did look a little dirty. We like your fox pictures we have not seen one in our fields , they must all be asleep on roves in the day time.
Wow Eric, that looked like a dirty trick played on you! You sat so nice and that feline actually ToUcHeD you. Yikes. Then you needed to get a bath to wash the kooties off!! hehehehe.
BabyRD & Hootie
I think that must have been some imp ostow.
My flat self met Otis , youw kittie Bwofuw and he was not all nasty . this kitty must have been a Wusky spy..such bee Twayel and glee at youw misfowtoone is just not in his makeup..
I hope you get those movie hoomans to pay you woyalties fow stealing youw tite and ideas..but I must say, I did love making that pictoowe wif my dawling giwlfwiends..and umm, Ewic..Man oh Loes awe quite delicious, ummm, I meancomfowtable..honest
smoochie kisses
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