Hey Bloggies. Need your help. Tout de suite. I'm due to meet my Sweet Toffee any minute. And. No. Dogging. Doubt. About. It. I'm having a Bad Fur Day. Started when the leggeds took one look at dirty old me and decided I needed a professional deep clean. Don't feel sad for me at this stage Dog Kitties and a Hammie.I like going to the Brush Puppies Doggie Parlour. Besides. When Toffee wiggles her flat wag over to me and mine I need to look spiffy. Spruced. Thing was. I'm between my fur strips. Wash and Blow Dry was the only item on the menu for me. After. When the leggeds collected me they went off on one. Snorting. Sniggering. Grinning from ear to there. Seems unlikely but know what? Brush Puppies only went and wishy-washed my Wireys down the plug 'ole. Haven't seen them have you?
Been replaced by some sort of Tufty Fluffies. Oh Me. Oh My. I've turned into one of them Bichon Frizzzzeee Dogs . . .
See what I mean? One Huff. And. A Puff. I'll be blown right down. No need to even ask. . .
. . . I KNOW my bum looks big in this. Maybe. Sniff. Bigger than Lacie's. Hmmm. Noooo. Not possible. Is it?
Yep. Seems I've doubled in size from my normal svelte self. Into a Fluffy Puffy Ball. And. My Wiry Wagger. Where is it? The new one's a corker for Khrya's famous floofie. Daddy Square snorted he's thinking bout trimming my wagger . . .
into a POM POM. Says nearly there already. Waaaaaaaaa!!! Now. Mom is forever using this bunch of stuffs on her bad hair days. . .
Do you happen to know anybloggie. Does John Freida do a range of "Wireys for Fur Ease" ? For Foxies? In need. Indeed.
OMdoG...Is This Fun or What???
14 years ago
Well, my boy. You do have a problem. Looks a bit like you've been sticking your snout in places where it shan't have been. Like electrical plug outlets. Just think, when you get old (and wise) like me, and loose all your "fluff" (stuff) you'll never again have to worry about days like this.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, dear Eric. We're sure you'll still be regarded as the fine young chap that you are. Flat? No. But those days are passed, at least for a while. But, you know? That's an idea. Pull out the Flat Eric for the occasion, and your fluffy floofy self can be the shadow.
Heh heh heh. (I apologize. But even an old fella like me deserves a laugh every once in a bit.)
Enjoy your company. It has only just begun!
Your Winston
Maybe your Mommy and Daddy could give you an oatmeal bath, and then blow dry you with special doggie hair products.
Sally Ann
Oh Eric.
Having myself been dragged off to the hairdressers for a badly timed cut last week, I feel your pain.
But Eric, if you were up here in Aberdeen just at the moment, with several degrees of frost, you'd be pleased to have all that fluff. I wish I still had mine.
Can we swop?
Hi Eric, you still look absolutely adorable to us but we take your point - it isn't your usual look!
Well we would suggest hair gel - that should wire your fur up to it's previous wiry texture!
Toffee will be so pleased to see you she really wont notice your fluffiness.
love and kisses
Martha & bailey xxxx
I think you look good Eric, well you would if you were a powder puff, that cute little bunny type tail. I think she will love you to bits, the macho thing is out now.
Wow! Guess the Brush Puppies got a bit carried away. But hey, you haven't changed inside and, though I haven't had any experience with one-and-onlys, I think your sweetie will recognize that. Only thing to do is too laugh about it. By your account, some people are already doing that. Couldn't suppress a small tee-hee myself (with love and sympathy of course).
Hi, Eric!
Sure you look fluffy!
My mom uses those John Frieda prodcuts but I am not so sure they will help you!
Good luck!
Kisses and hugs
mmmmmmmm Eric....ain't it horrible when yer hair just up and takes off like that ???? Makes us all look like we need ta go on a crash diet....'n always gives Gram the idea that we need LESS ta eat......sheesh.....we need MORE....fer sure....tell yer Mom ta slick ya up with some pomade...that'll make those pesky hairs lay down proper so ya don't look like the side of a barn when yer sweetie pie comes a callin'....I do think yer Dad needs ta do somethin' with that TAIL though...now that looks like a fluffy bottle brush....that's gotta go...but then ya can slick that up too ta hide the shear volume of it.....
Tell Toffee she should love ya fer just bein' yerself, though.....
Dewey Dewster here....
Hmm...first of all, is this pick on Lacie's butt day?? I just came from Gussie's blog where Khyra made the Khomment that Fluffy Gussie's backside at least doesn't take up the whole puter screen like some other Lakie's does...and now this...
I'm gonna peemail ya the pic of Gussie's butt when they blew him dry into a poodle...it's pawsome...
Honestly, Eric...you boy dogz are a little slow on the uptake on how to depoof urselves...just jump back in the shower and DO NOT...I repeat DO NOT use the blow dryer...your furs will be flatter than a pancake...
I actually like the Twice the Eric To Love look...and I'm pretty sure sweet Toffee is going to just sink her little hound nosie into ur furs and just think she's in heaven...are you guys gettin' a room again? I did get her a lotion for rug burn from the last incident...
Asta already sent me lip balm to prevent chappies when I hang the mistletoe...last year was just a disaster...nuthin' like being prepared...
Your small derriered friend...Lac
Sheeshch...Lacie has a big mouth...her comments never stop...
WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I don't know how to tell you this but Archie is ,well REALLY laughing hard and I am afraid PL1and 2 are right there with him.Of COURSE I am not my twinnie becasue this often happens to me as well( well maybe not the tail quite as poofy) BUT you look lovely.....Oh dear there the three of them go again...they seem to be having a good chuckle....DO NOT FEAR... your pupcake will not care....hee hee THAT WAS ARCHIE Love A+A
Your fur's so bright, I oughta wear shades!
PeeEssWoo: Me thinks Lacie is seeing the light about her bummmmmm!
Eric! You look like an idiot! How could you let that happen? And that hiney shot really confused me. It looked like panty loons which the Mango really loves, but on a gal, not your wirey self. And that tail? Sheesh!
I think you need some styling gel or something and quick! Toffee won't recognize you otherwise.
Good luck.
P.S. No doggie's butt is as big as Lacie's. Hehehe
You're silly Eric! It's kind of like a dog afro! You could start a new style! Go with it dude!
your cat pal,
Wooos! Eric. That is some hair do... Ummm how about a nice roll in the dirt or mud to tame that down, and that tail man...it needs work...Umm chew on it a bit and see what happens, so sorry man, I hate baths....
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We use Frizz Eaze fer doogs and we suggest you gets some tout de suite.
Bobo and Meja (the forever well groomed SharPei)
Eric...the suggestion about the shower might work, but don't worry, Toffee will love you anyway.
Okay, Bestie, I've got a plan. Sorry it took so long, I had to wipe the tears away from the typist's eyes, she was laughing so hard.
So here goes - tonight, when Square Mom and Dad make their salad, knock the olive oil over on yourself. THEN go get that snug sweater that my Mom made for you last year - it will help flatten down your puff balls. Do you still have your Itchy Socks? Stretch them up over your knees. That should take care of the bulk of your fluffiness.
Just don't get out the flatiron or you'll look like an Afghan hound!
Your pal,
oh no you have got a bit boofy havent you i would suggest a mud bath as the deep treatment of choice arf arf
That's some 'do you're sporting there Eric! Can't you find some mud to roll in quick smart? J x
I bawely wecognised you..oh my that is a floofy look..don't they know you'we a pawfect wiwy kid???
Those high powewed dwyews awe a menace and I suspect youw haiwdwessew has ambitions to move to TEXAS home of BIG haiw.
don't wowwy about youw sweetpea thoug, she'd know you anywhewe and she'll just buwy hew snout in youw floof and be in heaven
smoochie sympafetic kisses
Oh, ha! ha! Eric - your post had me in stitches! You know, you should enter Max & JD - the Schnauzer Brother's "Bootilicious Competition" - one of the categories is for the fluffiest booty - I think you'd have a very good chance of winning!
Honey the Great Dane
Is that you, Eric? Good grief, thought I went to the wrong blog. Hope you've de-puffed by now. Although I must say you look kind of cute with the fluffy look.
Pee ess: Thanks for contributing! Excellent excuses :-)
Wow, you would make a great pillow for my kitty...Are you still puffy?
Ah, there are so few groomers who know what to do with the likes of us -- we know because we've experienced the worst -- with shorn furnishings and schnauzer eyebrows.
To prevent that unexpected new persona look, our Dogdad does the grooming himself. We may not be deep cleaned, or show worthy, but at least we do not have a cotton candy tail when he is done.
Compassionate woofs coming your way!!!
Jake and Just Harry
Oh dear Eric! I dare say I love the fluffy Eric - more to love that is all, more to love....
your Toffee girl
eric is that you? plz tame that wild beastie of a furdo.. the natural look is a bit much. a bit toola much! and pass some of those foofoos onto khyra- that girl is showing her private stuffies all ovah the bloggies! geesh!
Bad Fur Day Eric?
Be cool man, sweet Toffee sure loves you for better or for worse.
Hehe, I can't help but roll on floor laughing, who am I kidding, poor Eric, so sorry man!
Love ya!
Hey Eric
Man.. I'm gonna send you a leisure suit and my disco's greatest hits. Whowzer. I think you got Khrya beat on that fluff wacker. But please don't let mom make you lead a cheer. cheers are meant to drink.
Eric, what have they done to you? You must sneak out of the house and go rolling in a puddle and flatten those fluffers down. Just keep rolling, even to the next town if you have to. Course, I don't know much about furcare being bald myself, but I think if I'd sprouted so many fluffers I'd find the nearst puddle. Sorry, but the cottoncandy tail's just gotta go too. And cripes, Eric, if that's how you look, how do you smell?
I hope Toffee doesn't have alleries too. Yeesh, Eric, this could be a disaster. Find. A. Puddle.
oh, you are very fluffy! I like fluffy - maybe Toffee will too?
your pal, Morgan
Hmmm. You do have a dilemma, don't you! A pom pom?
I am naked and freezing after my haircut so your fluffies look pretty good and warm to me. You look like a snuggly stuffy. I bet you smell nice.
licks and sniffs. Sasha
Wow Eric! You've turned into a puff ball. You do look rather cute though. Toffee should love all that softness to cuddle up to.
I had to wig wag over and see how you are doing? I hope that pom pom has been put away! Make sure you see my blog .. Mr. B has been out .Something about the frost short circuiting my brain.
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