Wednesday 13 October 2010


Posted by Mother Square while Eric's sleeping.
Miss Enid asked me to convey to you all "her heartfelt felicitations" and her most "gracious apologies" not to be here. And to make sure "I beseech one and all not to tell Eric about this post. You know how he will extract his revenge on myself and my foster wheelie charges " But oh my. Miss Enid wanted you to know she received her very own special parcel this week!! Kindly sent from one of her dearest Etiquette pupils, little Miss Lacie. Containing a couturier item from the House of Lamb (Butchy and Katie)!!! A wonderful REAL FOX FUR wrap to keep her old sawdust warm!!!!! She so feels the cold in her old metal bones.

Miss Enid's gradually recovering from her attack of the vapours. Such a shocking ordeal for an one so old. She's presently resting in a hideout. A very safe one. Eric was scolded and put in the naughty corner. Miss Enid however did ask me to convey "Her fondest love and gratitude " to Miss Lacie for her kind thoughtfulness. She said "It was a wonderful surprise. I'm delighted dearest Lacie. My fox fur wrap is charming, and even, may I be so forward as to think, most becoming against my old furs. Your solicitous behaviour Lacie, is most commendable."


houndstooth said...

I can't believe Eric was so bold! I'm sorry about that Miss Enid, but I have to say that your fox fur is lovely and you look stunning in it!


George The Lad said...

Good on yea Eric, I'm right behind you on this, Fox Fur and now wheelies taking over your blog, its got to be stopped!!! I do hope your out the naughty corner by the time you get this comment. Any help you need I'll be there me mate. I feel reel bad about the minibus getting stuck :(
See Yea George xxx

Gus said...

Mnnnnmmmm...We think Miss Enid looks loverly in her stole, and are sorry that Eric Square Stole the Stole, but we must admit (honesty being the best policy if you are too dumb to remember your lies) that we would have done the same thing.


Dandy Duke said...

How dare Eric knock you to the ground and swipe your beautiful stole, Miss Enid! Where are his manners? We need to remind him that you are old enough to be his grandma and you deserve some respect!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch,
who are backed up by Autumn and Francesca most certainly!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I wonder if she'd like to be swathed in Siberian floof?


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Is it our imagination or is Miss Enid's smile a bit broader after she partook of her vapour medicine?? She seems to be grinnin'...a most unusual facial expression for one so proper....!!

Honestly, she does look darling in that new wrap! And the other wheelies gathering around admiring her? It was just charming!!

I was supposed to go outside for a photo shoot of my new stole today also, but Mumsie went shopping for herself and now the sun went down...sheesch...

Please,tell Miss Enid to wear the stole in the best health,...and tell Eric to keep his bloomin' mits off of it!

Er,um rather to refrain from appropriating another's property....

Kisses and tons of hugs,

Miss Lacie Foxie Girlie

TwoSpecialWires said...

Oh my! Winston is SO charmed by and pleased with Miss Enid's new winter wear ... he nodded in great approval. And then one thing led to another. And we all have a question. Is it in fashion ... socially acceptable ... to wear ... ummm ... fur? LIke. REAL fur? We ask because someone reminded us of the sleek black stole hanging in the front closet ... left behind as "dress up clothes" from the previous owners of the house. It's really quite lovely, and drapes oh so perfectly around dear Winston (he has already tried it on ... rather sheepishly) with room for Old Soul Charles, as well. But we certainly don't want to be reprimanded for donning something so ... wild. We really have no idea what it is ... but it does seem a shame to leave it hanging in the closet. (We really don't want eggs tossed in our kitchen. Please.)

And. As for Eric. Well. He is a fox terrier. And even Jake ... well behaved and non-predatory as he is ... has just so happened to pluck more than a few furs out of some ... ummmm .... no eggs please ... rabbit fur slippers and .... ummmm ... a lovely ermine Russian hat of Moma's. (They were GIFTS! They were GIFTS! No eggs or spray paint, pleeze!)

Hey! We just remembered! We sent Eric some rabbit fluff! Perhaps we're promoting this notty behavior. Oh dear. I think I'd better stop now. This comment has gone in directions that I really didn't intend.

I just hope we get it all figured out before winter gets here. In the meantime, Moma's got some serious sewing to do to keep Winston and the others in current fashionable wear.

Much love to everyone. Including Eric. The fur robber.

Fergi (and the others)

WFT Nobby said...

Hey Uncle Eric my man, well done! Well worth a stint in the naughty corner, I'd say. But where oh where is the fox fur wrap now?
Toodle pip!
PS That Miss Enid had a very strange way of speaking, I must say.

Dexter said...

Poor Eric, he just doesn't understand fashion. It did kind of look like a rodent, though. But assaulting a senior citizen can bring harsh penalties.


Martha said...

Oh Miss Enid, we are so sorry to read you had an attack of the vapours. It really is too bad of Eric. We suggest he stays in the naughty corner for as long as we have to keep our leashes on!
We must say that you look most becoming in your fox fur - we are not at all sure that the fox who lost his fur will be so pleased about this whole episode but still....!
We must look our for pearls Miss Enid - you need pearls!
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx
ps if Eric could be allowed out to motor up to Scoltand to take us deer hunting we would be sooooo grateful.
Would you like a deer coat? Or perhaps some antlers to hang on your wall?

Agatha and Archie said...

Hooohoohoo hahahahahh WAY TO GO OUR MAIN MAN really WHAT DO THEY THINK WHAT DO THEY THINK( I think I typed that twice but it is for effect )..... LISTEN IS IT REAL FUR??? WHOA that is how we can get them Eric??!!! Call one of those groups.. Maybe they will all be locked up.... think of it.. twelve million wheelies in jail... ohhh I shudder to think of it.. Love A+A

How Sam Sees It said...

We hope it was recovered?


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh Eric, we haven't visited you in a while and now we find you are in trouble. We have to admit though that the fox fur looks very enticing and we would probably have done the same.

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Inky and Molly said...

Nothing like having warm sawdust. You enjoy that wrap!

Inky and Molly said...

Mom, how about sending Eric to Australia? That's where all convicts go, normally.
Eric, see you soon!

Asta said...

Dawling , sweet , handsome Ewic,

Thank you fow those good wishes fow Daddi and fow suppowting my desiwe to smooch can have all my extwa kisses(and I have a jillion) I hoope you don't get ovewwhelmed and that youw sweetheawt doesn't mind

love and illegal smoochie kisses

Asta said...

Dawling , sweet , handsome Ewic,

Thank you fow those good wishes fow Daddi and fow suppowting my desiwe to smooch can have all my extwa kisses(and I have a jillion) I hoope you don't get ovewwhelmed and that youw sweetheawt doesn't mind

love and illegal smoochie kisses

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