Ahhhh. Here's my boy. Testing out his new found bouncy skills. I'm proper proud of him. Isn't his Boing Diddy Boinging coming on a treat? But as I was barking. I happened to cast my mincies on this perplexing comment from the dear Martha and Bailey on Bertie's blog.....
"We met a WFT the other night on our walk - first time ever- and no camera!!!! Well the human was so excited, was it Bertie, Eric, Asta, Jake or Fergi? Sadly it was no dog we knew but we must say it was an eye opener - do you WFT's have springs?"
Doh. They don't know? I don't like to boast. But Bassets. We foxy doggies. Ok. Probably a certain Miss-Wired Lakie and maybe my new welshie pal (get your wig on a wagger and meet him) George , who's a bit of a lad like me, can too. Yep. We can go from standing horizontal to standing vertical. Quick as a wink. Lookie. Haaa! We're almost too fast for the camera.
Like so. Surprising. I'm a mere flash of my normal square self. Weird eh? How some of myself arrives before the rest me. Certainly surprised that pesky wheelie. Thank dog he's now living a life in purple with Miss-Wired Lacie. Hardehaha! He deserved it.
Wee Bassets. We also like to dance and prance on our back leggeds. As often as possible. Don't we fellow foxies? I'm trying to teach Mom the fine art of a fox trot. You can probably tell from the sad choice of her wellibob footie wear and clumsy tootsie placement, I have a life long job ahead of me. Not that I'm complaining. I'm rather partial to standing on my own back two feet.
Then Bassets. Looksee. Here's me. Unleashing my coiled wire back leggeds. To reach the normally unreachable. And you ask dear ladies. Do we WFT's have springs? Haaahaaa!!!!! OF COURSE WE DO!!! With our wired internal springing we go from ground to airborne in a nano second.
As detailed in this slow motion demonstration by my super springing self. Weeeee...!!!!! There I go. See me springing??? Boing. Boing. Boing. Straight. Up! Up! Up! Do hope that answers your question sufficiently dearest Martha and Bailey.
1 – 200 of 277 Newer› Newest»That's quite a talent Eric. You're almost as springy as a cat! Why don't you & Otis have a contest to see who can jump the highest!
your other cat pal,
We thought our Monty was pretty springy, in fact we even have a song for his bounciness! However, he is no WFT, and I think you boys have him beat by a mile!
We don't have quite the aerodynamics of a WFT but we are pretty bouncy too!! Mom calls Carrleigh her little ballerina.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Wowzers! I'm completely impressed with your springing ability! That must come in handy for a multitude of things! I thought I couldn't admire you anymore, but I was wrong!
Hi Uncle Eric
I thought I recognised that photo!
Well, as you have observed, I am working hard on my bouncy skills. But there is one thing that I find rather frustrating and perhaps you can help? You see, Gail always puts the REALLY INTERESTING things on the table, and I'm not yet springy enough to jump up there. Do you have a any special tips for getting that extra little bit of spring in one's step. And please don't just say I have to wait 'til I'm bigger. Patience isn't my strong suit....
Toodle pip!
Well, square pal, we think our mom is the best witness to our intrinsic springiness. As you may have seen from countless photos, I -- the Jakester -- am frequently found on chairs, benches, couches. But listen to what mom has to say about my brother, Just Harry.
"Eric, it's like this: I can be sitting having a cup of coffee in the morning or enjoying a glass of wine in the evening when all of a sudden, pop -- there's a 25-pound dog in my lap. Sproing! One single bound and Just Harry has staked his claim.
Oh yes, and there is this additional testimony from Dr. Dan our vet. When queried as to why Jakey comes home from "camp" with a slight limp, I have been told it's a wonder that he can even walk. As Dr. Dan, who is six feet tall reported, Jake often looks him in the eye when he walks by the run. Sproing!!!"
So yes, Basset sisters, as mom and our dog tor can affirm, -we WFTs do have springs in our legs.
Go Bertie, Go!!!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
hehehe, I think it’s just a natural talent all you FT's have. Mind you I'm a WT and can head butt a peeps from a sitting position, they just don't seem to learn, just give me some space
See Yea George xxx
Ooops I ment a WFT.
See Yea George xxx
I khan be pretty bouncy too ESPECIALLY when I greet evFURRYone with my patented hugz&khysses!
Great sproingin'!
Dear Eric, thank you so much for answering our question and with such convincing graphics!
Indeed now we have met a WFT we will never doubt that you can spring..........just like a little lamb we thought!
This one kept going boing boing right over the top of us - well Martha was simply puzzled but Bailey began to get a little irritated and gave the poor little chap a good barking.
She told him to stand still until we had finished sniffing......!
What was quite interesting as he went boinging off into the distance was the fact that his humans appeared to run after him - also with the aid of springs.
They also seemed to sport some very strange footwear - must be a WFT human thing.....!
What we did rather admire was the way in which the WFT totally ignored the excited cries of his humans ...... that is such a basset quality!
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx
You're bouncing so high that all we see is fog in your wake, Eric! You WFT's are amazing!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You mean thewe awe doggies and hoomans out thewe who don't know we have spwings in ouw leggies???
I wemembew seeing an xway of a WFT and those boingy spwings wewe in evidence in all fouw limbses.
my bwufuw Duffy even does one of those boings whewe all fouw legs come off the gwound at oce..I stick to the fox twot dance on my leggies kind
so glad you explaine dto Mawfa and Bailey and that Bewtie and Geowgie awe keeping up the twadition
smoochie bouncing kisses
Of course you do (have springs) as the WFT is a direct descendant of the common kangaroo. Man, them peoples need an education.
New Matt Ick springs and sproings.
I am convinced you have springs in your legs!
Kisses and hugs
You do seemed to have mastered the art of levitation, Eric. Mighty handy for going over the backyard fence too, I might add. Great speed, too, when you're faster than the camera. I'll bet there's never a dull moment at your house. :)
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Inky and Molly are brillant...I never knew I was a direct DEE SEND ANT of a kangaroooooo....
I mean of course I can jump like a gazelle...our old foxy used to leap in the air and grab his special puppet of Mumsie's shoulder...and he wasn't long legged like me....
Yes, I'm answering all the bloggies today...Lacie seems a bit busy...she's folding laundry in the Naughty Corner. Mumsie has her foldin' underwear...and NOT the kind Lacie's been sellin' recently...
Is Miss Enid feeling more spritely? Poor old er um poor sweet dear...I'm sure she got a bit of a shock with those newspaper headlines...
By the way, is it you who irons her paper?? I'm just wonderin'...
Pawslaps, old chap...
My dear Eric.......only ya could have written such an eloquent dissertation of our wirey selves and the SPRING-FACTOR....great job, my man....great job....and so true.....
Dewey Dewster here....
Oh another ignorant doggie here. Didn't know you are so springy, Eric!
Thank you for keeping our little furry friend in your prayers. We really appreciate it.
just wondering if woo have to get a lube job efurry three months to keep woos boing boinging!
Yes! Yes! Boing, boing, boing!! Just like Tiggre fellow from Winnie the Pooh. Us Terriers just l-o-V-e to bounce. Loved the pics of you doing your thing Eric!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
hey Eric! we're amazed at your bouncing abilities. you terriers are supposed to be dogs of the earth, but instead, you try to fly into the sky! hee hee! maybe you're related to birds.
Eric! I have been deprived of blog reading lately, but snuck on long enough to say, you are awesome as always. But that's not flirting. Don't tell Toffee.
Well honestly OF COURSE WE HAVE springs..I have a GAZILLION pictures of me in flight.. not so many of my brother but we think his springs are a little loose if you know what I mean..Love and kisses A+A
You know, Bestie, I might have thought you were the spring sproingiest doggie around until I met Clive in person. Off duty, that boy can party! And if it wasn't humiliating enough that I can walk under him without touching his belly, he can truly leap tall buildings in a single bound. Me, I'm not so vertically inclined when it comes to jumping. Or horizontally either. More a diagonal kinda guy, though I can look like an agility dog when there are treats around. Be sure to visit my bloggie and see Clive in action. Oh! And Mommy got the nicest Royal Mail parcel yesterday!!!!
Your pal,
I agree! My neighbor is a Fox Terrier...with no wires...but he's got springs EVERY WHERE! We played zoomies in his back yard today and I'm EXHAUSTED! He's like my personal coach. Boing Boing Boing!! I'm like Petey...more diagonal. I think my gravity is too low for BOING BOING. I can do the Scottie basketball/volleyball jump..but not the esteemed BoingBoing.
Square pal,
We just wanted to check in and thank you for the good wishes. We saw a photo of Flat Eric waving the flag on Asta's rooftop a little while ago and were sad that our flatties (and leggeds) couldn't be there.
However, rumor is that your female legged might be planning a trip across the pee sometime later this year. Would said legged send a pee mail to our female legged to see how that might be shaking out?
In the meantime, SPROING!!!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Sniff. Sniffle. Sniff. We think we may not be WFTs after all. We don't .... spring. In fact, Fergi's feet hardly ever every leave the ground. We know nothing of vertical acceleration. (Horizontal zoomies, yes. Springy sproings? No.) I'm afraid we are are earth bound as our wheelesses. Sniff.
Do you still like us?
(Feeling a bit odd)
Jake and Fergi xxoo
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